Anthropogenic underwater noise pollution

  • Wann
    Dienstag 10.09.2024 19:00 - 22:00
  • Ort
    Basel, Dornacherstrasse 192
  • Typ
    Listening Session
  • Text

    Subject: anthropogenic underwater noise pollution

    Place: Idee und Klang Audio Design, Dornacherstrasse 192, Gundeldingerfeld Halle 2, 4054 Basel

    Date: 10.09.2024

    Time: 7pm

    Host:  Flurina Mia Häberli –

    Description: For my master (MA Sonology, Den Haag) I'm currently working on anthropogenic underwater noise pollution as foundation for artistic, sonic output to create awareness on this niche topic.  The underwater sounds of human made sources (from shipping, seismic activities from oil and gas exploration, military activities, pile driving during construction of offshore wind farms, low-flying airplanes, and deep-sea mining) are influencing the hydrospheric ecosystems. It's still hard to argue with facts how it influences the ecosystem on a big scale, since no global long-term research has been made so far. In the upcoming listening session, I'd like to show you some field recordings, snippets and compositions I'm currently working on, focusing on Netherlands North Sea Area. (Port of Rotterdam, Offshore Wind Farms, Waters of the Dutch coastline) If there is some time left, I would love to have a talk about what is the role of a sound artist, working in the field of acoustic ecology, what does it mean for you to reveal sounds? (and follow-up questions)